After the MiraDry® Treatment

  • Some experience swelling and slight discomfort in the armpits a few days after the treatment. To minimize this, it is recommended to cool the area after treatment with cooling pads handed out at the end of the treatment. If necessary, mild painkillers (over the counter) can be taken for a few days.
  • The arm pits should be kept clean the following few days with mild soap and water, and it is recommended to use loose fitting clothing.
  • It is recommended to avoid the use of antiperspirants / deodorant and to avoid shaving the first few days after the treatment.
  • Take it easy over the days following treatment, and avoid high impact exercise.
  • Approximately 3 months after the treatment you are offered a follow up consultation in the clinic. If you live far away this may be replaced by telephone conversation with the doctor if this is more convenient for you. If you are one of the few that need more than one treatment, a follow up is usually performed after three months, where the effect be fully assessed.

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