MiraDry® treatment for underarm hyperhidrosis

Everyone sweats, but up to 4% sweat abnormally, a condition known as hyperhidrosis. Excessive underarm sweat is socially debilitating and affects ones life both privately and professionally. More than one fifth of the western population are irritated by their sweating on an every day. basis.

SWEATfree (SVEDfri) was in 2015 the  first and only clinic in Denmark to offer a revolutionary and FDA approved treatment for underarm sweat, – MiraDry®a non-surgical, sweat reduction treatment with lasting effects, ensuring a significant reduction in sweat and odor. The treatment is performed by Lisa Secher, M.D., in Virum.

If you are one of the many whose sweat production is interfering with everyday life, and affects your choice of clothing, the use of hygiene products and deodorants, there is now a permanent solution to your problem.

SVEDfri offers the MiraDry® Treatment performed by dermatologist Lisa Secher.

SVEDfri MiraDry svedbehandling af hyperhidrosis

Everyone sweats, but up to 4% sweat abnormally, a condition known as hyperhidrosis. 

SVEDfri MiraDry svedbehandling

MiraDry® is a non-surgical sweat treatment with lasting effect.

SVEDfri MiraDry svedbehandling af hyperhidrosis

Excessive underarm sweat is socially debilitating and affects ones life both privately and professionally.

MiraDry® Treatment

  • MiraDry has been used in large parts of the world for quite a few years, and is popular in the United States, Finland, England, Holland and Scandinavia.
  • So far more than 20.000 treatments have been done
  • The treatment is FDA (Federal Drug Administration) approved

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